
Magnarp Summer Time Party Preliminary Schedule

The main party will start on Friday evening and end on Sunday morning, with a focus on Saturday evening. The price will vary somewhat depending on what days you're staying. Check out the registration page for more details.

A few have asked if there will be a Hash and initially we hadn't planned on one, but being Hashers we've changed our minds, and it's a reason for a circle, aint it? So Saturday afternoon there will be a non-mandatory trail, most probably around Magnarp.

You can pay in cash or why not bring something to drink (it's a party after all), and any two of the following will cover the cost for the Friday to Sunday period.

  • a crate of beer (24 cans)
  • a bag-in-box wine (3 litres)
  • a bottle of liqour (70-100 centilitres)

People will be able to arrive as early as Thursday afternoon and stay at least until Monday. The cost for the extra stay will be decided as it happens.

Just be prepared that when we're not partying (and even while) you are expected to help out with chores such as preparing food, carry stuff and walk the dog.

Thursday - cost €5

Dinner - take-out from the local pizzeria. Self cost.

Includes all drinks and snacks

Friday - cost €5


Lunch - gazpacho soup

Dinner - BBQ or chilli buffet



Lunch - traditional swedish herring buffet


Dinner - BBQ or chilli buffet



Lunch - middle eastern inspired buffet

From Friday dinner to Sunday lunch cost is a total of €55. Includes breakfast x2, lunchx2, dinnerx2 and one hash plus circle, all drinks and snacks.

Dinner - take out from a local fish restaurant, at self cost

Cost €5 for those staying on until Monday

Monday - cost €5


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